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Our Mission

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At New Dorp Baptist Church, our mission is simple:


To join God in the renewal of all things through Jesus Christ.

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The Biblical foundation for this statement is found in the New Testament book of Revelation, where Jesus appears enthroned with God the Father in the new heaven and the new earth and announces that He has come to dwell eternally with His people and complete the work of renewal.

We believe that this exciting work of renewal is a present reality being carried out by Jesus Christ through His Spirit-indwelt people, who are called to testify to the gospel of His grace, giving the world a preview of the kingdom to come.

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We believe that God has called us to gather regularly to express our love and appreciation for all He has done and is doing among us and through us. We also gather to love, encourage, and strengthen one another through the mutual exercise of the gifts God has given to each of His followers.

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We believe that every genuine Christian will grow in their likeness and obedience to Jesus Christ, through the means that He has so graciously provided. This is what the Word of God refers to as making disciples. We are blessed by God to be His instruments for real change in the lives of His followers.

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We believe that God desires to display His beauty and glory to all humankind. To that end, joining God in the renewal of all things through Jesus Christ means that we are to go and tell others, locally and globally, about the good news of salvation for the forgiveness of sin. This is a costly call, requiring a sacrificial lifestyle, forfeiting short-term pleasures for eternal rewards.

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