New Dorp Baptist Church


Sermon Podcasts

Set apart for the gospel of God

Paul’s Letter to the Romans





Individual Sermons

“This is the Love of God”

Living and Loving the Ten Commandments

2021: June 20 – current

Easter 2021

2021: March 28 – April 11

Advent 2020

The Tender Mercy of Our God

2020: November 29 – December 20

Visiting Missionaries (2020)

  • November 1st, 2020 – Fear of Death
    – Todd Madden
    – Hebrews 2.14-18

“Christ, the Wisdom of God”

Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Wisdom Books

Christ with two disciples on the road to Emmaus – Rembrandt, 1655

We are living in challenging times – times that can fill us with fear and frustration. In times like these we need wisdom. The Bible tells us that there are two types of wisdom: worldly and Godly. This new series, flowing seamlessly from our recent “When God Interrupts” teachings, will strengthen and encourage us in the pursuit of Godly wisdom. We will focus on the inspired books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, all of which lead us to the incarnate “wisdom of God” Jesus Christ!

2020: May – August

When GOD Interrupts

2020: March – April

Individual Sermons (2020)

Individual Sermons (2019)

Worship Christ, the Newborn King

Advent according to Matthew 1-2

2019: December

Mystery Made Known

Seeing Jesus in the Major Prophets

2019: June 23rd – July 21st

Individual Sermons (2018)

Individual Sermons (2017)

  • December 31st 2017 – Three Questions
    – Romans 10.5-13 (Michael Luciano)

Glory to God in the Highest

2017: December 3rd – December 24th

Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus

2016: December 4 – December 18

Seeing Jesus in the “Boring Books” of the Old Testament

2016: September 11 – November 20:

Individual Sermons (2016)

“Be Transformed”

2016: April 3 – August 28:

“Kingdom Life: The Parables of Jesus”

Dear Beloved of God,

As we enter a new calendar year, we look back to recall God’s faithfulness to us over the course of another year. We also look ahead with hope, trusting God for what he has in store for his people. To that end we are reminded of the priorities established for us by Jesus, who began his public ministry with the words: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1.15). A short time later, Jesus instructs his followers to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness” (Matthew 6.33).
But just what is the kingdom of God? And how are we to live in light of this glorious kingdom? How does this reality affect our everyday lives and relationships? In order to help us understand the Biblical answers to these life-altering questions, we will begin a new series called, Kingdom Life: The Parables of Jesus.
Focusing primarily on the gospel of Matthew, we will listen carefully in this new year to our Savior’s teaching, in order to grow in our understanding of life under the reign and rule of King Jesus.
Praying for and seeking first his kingdom with you, Pastor Mark

2016: January 3 – March 27

“By God’s Design”

Seeing His Hand in All Things
I don’t have to tell you that we live in a world marked by chaos, a world where at times it can be difficult to see the hand of God at work in “all things,” as the Bible proclaims (Romans 8.28). But as we have just seen in our summer series, God and His word are true and can be, indeed must be, trusted.
God willing, for the next 11 weeks, we will examine the word of God to see that despite the chaos around us God is at work for His glory and our good. His design for the world and for our lives cannot fail.
In this new series – By God’s Design: Seeing His Hand in All Things – my aim is to lead us through a number of Old and New Testament texts showing God’s design in human sexuality, in marriage, in government, in our salvation (and sin!), in our neighborhoods, and in the church.
Our series will conclude with a 4-week Advent focus (beginning November 29), displaying God’s most grand and glorious design – the sending of His Son to usher in the Kingdom of God, as planned from the beginning of time, “when the time was fulfilled” (Mark 1.15), “when the fullness of time had come” (Galatians 4.4).
Please ask God to show us His hand at work in the world, in the church, in our lives, that we would delight in His design for us and join Him in the renewal of all things through Jesus Christ for the joy of all peoples!

Eager to see and trust God’s hand in all things with you,

Pastor Mark

2015: October 11 – December 23

Advent: “When the Fullness of Time Had Come”

Individual Sermons (2015)

“Your Word Is Truth”

As evangelical Christians we believe the Bible is the very word of God. And yet many Christians today – evangelical and otherwise – fail to appreciate this life-transforming gift given to us by our gracious God, to appreciate that we live “by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). Jesus prayed that the Father would “sanctify us in the truth; your word is truth” (John 17.17). Jesus also taught his followers that all the Scriptures ultimately point to him (Luke 24.27, 44).

We all know that our world is changing at staggering speed, a time when the word of God is increasingly marginalized, a time when truth is relativized and the final word in many matters is a fluctuating opinion poll.

My aim, then, for this summer series – Your Word is Truth: Reflections on Psalm 119 – is to display the glorious privilege and necessity of loving and cherishing this Spirit-inspired treasure entrusted to us (2 Peter 1.21), that we may be “equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3.16) and that God would revive us by his word (Psalm 119.107).

Learning to love and cherish God’s word with you,

2015: June 7 – September 27

“Rejoice in the Lord Always”

2016: December 4 – December 18

Dear Saints in Christ Jesus, Have you ever heard of anyone who was encouraged too much? Probably not. My desire in this new year sermon series – Rejoice in the Lord Always – is to explore the depths of the gospel together, such that God is glorified and you are freshly encouraged! In this encouraging letter to his friends, the imprisoned apostle Paul writes with overflowing joy. How can this be? His (and our) circumstances seem to give him (and us) more reason to grumble than to rejoice. What was Paul’s (and is our) secret to rejoicing in the Lord always? One commentator summarizes it this way for us:

  • Put the gospel first – in our relationships, our prayers, our careers, indeed in all our choices.
  • Allow our suffering, witnessing, and persevering be shaped by the cross of Jesus Christ.
  • Follow Christian leaders who model compassion, faithfulness, confidence in Christ, and heavenly mindedness.
  • Resolve to “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3.12).
Pressing on and rejoicing together with you, Pastor Mark

Holy Week

Devotional Readings for Holy Week

Love to the Uttermost  by John Piper

“This Holy Week fix your gaze steadily on Christ as he loves you to the uttermost” (p. i).

Free e-Book download
Love to the Uttermost: Devotional Readings for Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, ends on Easter Sunday, and aims to focus our attention on Jesus as he displays his love to the uttermost (John 13:1). These meditations on the self-giving love of Christ are all excerpted from the preaching and writing ministry of John Piper.

“Far as the Curse is Found”

Dear Beloved of God,

Believe it or not the Advent season is upon us. And though this time of year can be filled with stress, it is good that we slow down together and fix our thoughts on Jesus. I am excited and look forward to our new teaching series, entitled “Far as the Curse is Found”. This title is taken from the great Christmas hymn, “Joy to the World,” a hymn that reflects on the far-reaching implications of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

As we enter this holy season together, let us pray that “every heart will prepare Him room” as we delight in God’s good news of great joy in Jesus Christ!

Eager to welcome Jesus with you,

Pastor Mark

As a supplement to our Advent sermon series – “Far As the Curse Is Found” – and in order to help you grow in Christ this holy season we are again making available to you a resource of Advent devotional readings – The Dawning of Indestructible Joy by John Piper.

2014: December 1 – December 21


We live in trying times. Everywhere we turn there seems to be chaos. Yet God is at work among His people, renewing them and sending them to be agents of renewal in their homes, workplaces and neighbourhoods.
In light of this, we are excited and encouraged to introduce the preaching calendar for the remainder of the year. This week we begin a 5-week series on the theme of renewal, called simply, “Renew”. We will listen to 5 important New Testament passages that focus on the newness of life in Christ.
Following that, we will welcome in the new Christian year with “Far as the Curse is Found”, a 4-week advent series, focusing on the glorious redemption bought for us by our Savior and Lord.
As always we ask that you join us in praying for these upcoming series as we seek God’s renewal of all things through Jesus.

2014: October 19 – November 16